My childhood dream, which evolved to passion as I was growing up, left me no other choice, but to get extensive exposure towards this area of study, I chose to go abroad via a fully sponsored scholarship from Pakistan's Government. In this struggle, after a tough competition, I have been successfully awarded by a fully funded Scholarship in China. China, an emerging economy, seems to be the best choice because of its strong bilateral ties with Pakistan. Besides this, I selected Huazhong University of Science and Technology which is one of the best institutes in China which has provided me the good opportunity to pursue my further research in economics as well as in public policy.
HUST proved to be a university where I got transitional phase for me and my family too. During 5 years stay in Wuhan, the four most significant events occurred in my life. Firstly, I am blessed with a baby girl here and her first home was Bojingge Apartment, HUST. Secondly, my husband also got the opportunity to pursue his Ph. D through the China Scholarship Council (CSC) from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. While rest of the two belong to my graduations, i.e., Master's
from School of Economics, HUST, and now Ph.D. from College of Public Administration.
I remember my first day (28th August 2014), when I knew nothing about China and was scared to spend my five years in a foreign country where I have to face language barrier as well as a different lifestyle. But fortunately, HUST made my life stress-free by providing me volunteer (who supported me in every step of registration and even getting a room on campus).
Moreover, during my stay in HUST, I met a lot of people every day and had a lot of valuable experiences. HUST is a place where a person can groom its personal, cultural, educational, and professional skills. Every year, there are a lot of activities like cultural festivals, New Year party, students competitions in order to promote global cultures and students personal skills. In addition, to motivate students towards better research and education, there are a lot of awards like Distinguished Student Scholarship, excellent student award and many more. I can surely say that HUST is a very nice place, and it has almost all the facilities to work under one roof.
I can simply say, since the welcome day till now, everyone at ISO, especially my college's administration, and my professors are always there to help me in my educational as well as my personal matter. I met countless people and made friends with students of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Through my experience, I learned about different cultures and a broad view of things. I deeply appreciate all the people giving me the opportunity to study at HUST.