Associate Professor
  • Chen Ying

  • associate professor
  • Phone:027-87543047
  • Academic Areas: land resource management
  • Research Interests:land use policy, land economy, Land Resource Management

1. Academic Degrees

Ph.D.   College of Land Management, Huazhong Agricultural University. 2008.  

B.A.    College of Land Management, Huazhong Agricultural University. 2003.

2. Professional Experience

2016.12-2017.12 Visiting Scholar, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA

2012.11-          Associate Professor, Department of Land Management, College of Public Administration, Huazhong University of Science&Technology

2010.10-2012.10     Assistant Professor, Department of Land Management, College of Public Administration, Huazhong University of Science&Technology

2008.7-2010.10     Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Land Management, College of Public Administration, Huazhong University of Science&Technology

3. Selected Publications

Chapters in Books:

l Ying Chen. 2017. Spatiotemporal differentiation and effectiveness evaluation of land intensive use in Wuhan. Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press.

l Ying Chen. 2016. Study on the Policy of Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement based on the Rights Protection of FarmersChinese.Science Press.

l Ying Chen. 2010. Chapters 1-6 in Research on the Institution of Land Taking Compensation Fee Distribution (Chinese), Anlu Zhang, Aimin Kuang, Yibing Wang eds. Science Press.

l Ying Chen. 2011.Subeditor , Land Resource Science, Fudan University Press.

Articles in Journals:

l Ying Chen, Xiulan Wu.Coupling and Coordinated Development of Land Intensive Use and Ecological Efficiency. Resources and Environment in The Yangtze Basin,2019,28(5):1025-1035.

l Ying Chen, Bianze Yang.Research on Land Ecological Security in Hainan Province under the Background of International Tourism Island. Guangdong Land Science. 2018, 17 (6): 4-11.

l Ying Chen, Fangling Yang.Study on the Distribution of Valueadded Income in the Process of Agricultural Land Requisition: Taking 17 Subordinate Prefectures and Cities in Hubei as Examples. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition).2018, 32(6):119-126.

l Ying Chen, Chengnan Cong, Jiang Feng, et al. Ecological Compensation of Chenhu Wetland Nature Reserve in Wuhan. Chinese Real estate,2018,(6):37-47.

l Ying Chen, Fangling Yang .Study on the Coupling Coordination between Urbanization and Land Finance in China: An Empirical Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University (Social Science Edition).2018, 18(1):106-114.

l Ying Chen,Jia Ma.Study on Willingness to Pay for Bidirectional Ecological Compensation and its Influencing Factors in Taihu Lake Basin-a Case Study in Upper Reaches of Yixing, Huzhou city and Lower Reaches of Suzhou City. Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University (Social Science Edition).2017, (1):16-22.

l Ying Chen, Mengke Hu ,Yong Fang. Research on Shift of Gravity Center and Coupling Coordination relationship of Land Use Degree and Economic Development in Wuhan. Resources and Environment in The Yangtze Basin, 2017268):1131-1140.

4. Awards

5. Courses Taught

Land resource management

Real estate management

6. Project

l “Research on Farmers' Compensation for Land Expropriation and Sharing Mechanism of Value-added Income Based on Rawls' Justice Theory”. 2017-2019. National Nature Science Fund. 71603089.

l “Research on Land Expropriation Compensation and Benefit Distribution Mechanism Based on Welfare Balance”.2017-2017.Ministry of Education of China Social Science Fund.16YJA790009

l Study on the Policy of Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement based on the Rights Protection of Farmers.” 2010-2012. National Social Science Fund. 10CGL044.

l “Welfare loss measurement and land requisition compensation policies for landless peasants.” 2009-2011. Ministry of Education of China Social Science Fund. 09YJC790104.


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