  • Chen Zhixia

  • Professor
  • Phone:(86)+13317190366
  • Academic Areas:Leadership, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Behavioral Public Administration
  • Research Interests:Citizen Well-being, Leadership, Job Stress

Academic Degrees

PhD, 2006, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China;

Master, 1997, Department of Psychology,Huazhong Normal University,

Bachelor, 1988, Department of Education, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, China.

Professional Experience

Visiting research scholar, Department of Psychology, Princeton University, 2006.8-2007.10

Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Delaware, 2007.3-2007.5

Senior Visiting Research Scholar, Department of Psychosocial Science, University of Bergen, 2018.9-10

Senior Visiting Research Scholar, University of Western Australia,2020,2-4

Professor(2007), Associate Professor(2001)Lecture(1997)Huazhong University of Science & Technology, 1997-present

Selected Publications

Zhixia Chen, Yanghang Yu. Power Distance and Supervisor Ostracism: The Moderating Effect of procedural Fairness, European Journal of International Management, 2020 (In Press) SSCI

Zhixia ChenYanghang Yu, Thomson Raphael Bwanali. Community Satisfaction, Sense of community, and Social Well-being: An Empirical Study from China . Social behavior and personality, 2020ESI/SSCI

Mengchu Zhao, Zhixia Chen*, Mats Glambek, Ståle Einarsen. Leadership Ostracism Behaviors from the target’s perspective: A content and behavioral typology model derived from interviews with Chinese employees[J].Frontiers in Psychology,2019, 10:1197. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01197(ESI/SSCI)

Yujuan Lan, Zhixia Chen*. Transformational Leadership, Career Adaptability and Work Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Task Variety, 2020, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02922

Zhixia Chen, Hongyan Wang. Abusive Supervision and Employees’ Job Performance: A Multiple Mediation Model. Social behavior and personality(ESI/SSCI), 2017, 45, 2017, 45(5), 845–858

Zhixia Chen, Susan Fiske, Tiane Lee. Ambivalent Sexism, Marriage, and Power-Related Gender-Role Ideology. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research(ESI/SSCI). 2009.60(11):765-778

Tiane L. Lee, Susan T. Fiske, Peter Glick and Zhixia Chen. Ambivalent Sexism in Close Relationships: (Hostile) Power and (Benevolent) Romance Shape Relationship Ideals. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research(ESI/SSCI). 2010,627-8, 583-601

Zhixia Chen, Robert Eisenberger, Kelly M. Johnson, et al. Perceived Organizational Support and Extra-role Performance: Which Leads to Which? Journal of Social Psychology(ESI/SSCI), 2009.148(1), 119-124

Zhixia Chen. Robert Eisenberger. The Mediate Effect of Multidimensional Perceived Organizational Support in the relationship of Supportive Human Resource Practices and Chinese employees’ Job Performance. International Journal of Psychology(ESI/SSCI), 2008,43(3/4)

Zhixia Chen, Susan Fiske. Ambivalent Sexism, Gender-Role Ideology and Marriage. International Journal of Psychology(ESI/SSCI), 2008,43(3/4)


陈志霞,徐 杰. 基于模糊数学模型的城市幸福指数测评研究. 统计与决策,20216

兰玉娟,陈志霞. 从“易变”到“应变”:科技型员工生涯适应力促进机制. 科技进步与对策,2019,5

Yu Yanghang, Chen Zhixia*.The Impact of Public Service Accessibility on Political Trust and Its Mechanism[J].Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition),2019,33(02):28-37.(于洋航,陈志霞.公共服务可达性对政治信任的影响及其作用机制[J].华中科技大学学报(会科学版),2019,33(02):28-37.)

Taotao Dai, Chen Zhixia*. Experimental Methods in Behavioral Public Administration: Types and Applications. Public Administration Review,2019,(代涛涛,陈志霞. 行为公共管理研究中的实验设计. 公共行政评论,2019,6)

Chen Zhixia, Zhao Mengchu, Hong Tu. Antecedents of the tipple effect of leadership ostracism: The role of competition and organizational politics. Jonrnal of Industrial Engineering/Engineering Management,2019,3: 215-222(陈志霞,赵梦楚,涂红.领导排斥涟漪效应的组织诱因:竞争和组织政治的作用[J/OL].管理工程学报(自科基金委管理科学部A类期刊): 2019,3: 215-222)

Why High Job Performance Employees Suffered Leadership Ostracism as Well? Simulation Analysis for the Influence Mechanism of Leadership Ostracism Based on System Dynamic.赵梦楚,陈志霞. 高工作绩效员工为何也会遭遇领导排斥:影响机制的系统动力学仿真分析. 南开管理评论(自科基金委管理科学部A类期刊)2019, 22(2): 186-196.

陈志霞,于洋航. 城市社会管理、社会支持与社会幸福感——基于41个城市2284位居民的实证研究.西北人口,2019,403):44-56

Chen Zhixia, Tu Hong. Supervision Ostracism and Its Antecedents Toxic Triangle Model. Business Review, 2018,29(8):156-166 (陈志霞, 涂红.领导排斥的概念及其影响因素毒性三角模型.管理评论(自科基金委管理科学部A类期刊, 校双一流期刊)2018,29(8):156-166.)

Chen Zhixia, Guo Jinyuan. Construction of Postgraduate Competency Model and Its Prediction Effects. Academic Degrees & Graduate Education, 2018(07):55-60.(陈志霞,郭金元.研究生胜任力结构模型构建及其预测作用[J].学位与研究生教育,2018(07):55-60.)

Chen Zhixia, Dian Yajiao. Organizational Difference Climate: Concept, Measurement and Mechanism of Action [J]. Foreign Economics and Management, 2018, 40 (06): 86-98.(陈志霞,典亚娇.组织差序氛围:概念、测量及作用机制[J].外国经济与管理,2018,40(06):86-98.

Chen Zhixia, Zhao Mengchu.The Structure and Measurement of Doctor-patient Trust Relationship and Its Integration Model[J].Psychological Science,2018,41(01):167-173.(陈志霞,赵梦楚.医患信任关系的结构和测量及其整合模型[J].心理科学(双一流期刊),2018,41(01):167-173.

Wang Hongyan, Chen Zhixia*. The Impact of Performance Appraisal Politics on Employees' Organizational Citizenship Behavior - The moderate Effect of Chaxu Climate [J]. Economic Survey,2018,35(01):92-99.(汪洪艳,陈志霞.绩效考核政治对员工组织公民行为的影响——差序氛围的调节作用[J].经济经纬,2018,35(01):92-99.

Chen Zhixia, Yu Yanghang. The Influence of Urban Residents' Social Management Satisfaction on Residents' Well-being[J].Urban Problems,2017(11):78-86.陈志霞,于洋航.城市居民社会管理满意度对居民幸福感的影响[J].城市问题,2017(11):78-86

Chen Zhixia, Li Qiming. Influencing Factors and Measurement of Urban Residents' Happiness Index[J].Urban Problems,2013(09): 52-58.陈志霞,李启明.城市居民幸福指数的影响因素及测量[J].城市问题,2013(09): 52-58

CHEN Zhi-xia, ZHOU Jia-bin. The Research on the ConceptMeasurement and Related Factors of Service Leadership. Chinese Journal of Ergonomics201622(5):81-86.(陈志霞,周佳彬. 服务型领导的概念、测量及其相关因素研究进展[J]. 人类工效学,2016,05:81-86.)

Zhixia Chen, Xinyan Wang, Long Sun, et al. Social Psychological Attitudes and Demands Reflected in Important Public Events on Network——An Analysis of 120 Network Public Opinion Cases Appeared During 2007 2012.Journal of Intelligence, 2014,03:101-106陈志霞,王新燕,徐晓林.从网络舆情重大事件看公众社会心理诉求——2007-2012120起网络舆情重大事件的内容分析[J].情报杂志,2014,03:101-106.

Li Qiming, Chen Zhixia*. The Research on the Effects of Materialism on Dual Filial Piety: A Perspective of Intergenerational Transmission. Journal of Psychological Science 2016395):1216-1222(李启明,陈志霞(通讯作者). 物质主义对双元孝道的影响——基于代际传递的视角[J]. 心理科学(校双一流期刊), 2016,05:1216-1222.)

LI Qiming, CHEN Zhixia*, XU Haiyan. The Relationship among Dual Filial PietyGrandparents-grandchildren and Elderly Stereotypes. Psychological Development and Education, 2016,04:444-452(李启明,陈志霞(通讯作者),徐海燕. 双元孝道、祖孙关系与老人刻板印象的关系[J]. 心理发展与教育(校双一流期刊),2016,04:444-452)

Li QimingChen Zhixia*Xu Haiyan.Effects of Parental Rearing Styles and ParentsGender on Intergenerational Transmission of Filial Piety. Psychological Exploration, 2016,04:358-364.(李启明,陈志霞(通讯作者),徐海燕. 父母的教养方式及性别对孝道代际传递的影响[J]. 心理学探新,2016,04:358-364.)

LI Qi-mingCHEN Zhi-xia*. Effects of Urban Economy and Family Income on Urban Residents' Sense of Well-being. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2016,04:76-83(李启明,陈志霞(通讯作者). 城市经济和家庭经济对城市居民幸福感的影响机制[J]. 西南交通大学学报(社会科学版),2016,04:76-83)

Li QimingChen Zhixia*. An Experimental Study on the Intergenerational Transmission of Filial Belief and Behavior. China Youth Study, 2016,06:69-75+98 (李启明,陈志霞(通讯作者). 孝道观念及行为代际传递的实证研究——基于湖北省襄阳市的亲子配对调查分析[J]. 中国青年研究,2016,06:69-75+98)

Zhixia Chen, Hongyan Wang. The Matthew Effect of Leadership Behavior: The Moderating Role of Supervisor’s Organizational Embodiment. East China Economic Management,2015,19(8): 1-9(陈志霞,汪洪艳.领导行为的马太效应:领导组织化身的调节作用[J].华东经济管理,2015,08:1-9. 人大复印《管理科学》,2015.10)

Hongyan Wang, Zhixia Chen*. The Research Progress of Performance Appraisal Politics. Foreign Economics & Management, 2015,09:57-67(汪洪艳,陈志霞*. 绩效考核政治性研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理,2015,09:57-67.)

Hongyan Wang, Zhixia Chen*. The Research Progress of Performance Appraisal Politics. Foreign Economics & Management, 2015,09:57-67(汪洪艳,陈志霞*. 绩效考核政治性研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理,2015,09:57-67.)

Zhixia Chen, Huifang Zhang. The Leadership Style of Women Leadership and their Performance. Management Modernization, 2014,03:75-77(陈志霞,张慧芳.女性领导的领导风格与管理绩效研究——107名女性领导的案例分析[J].管理现代化,2014,03:75-77.)

Zhixia Chen, Qiming Li.Test the Integrated Model of Well-being in Different Ages and Gender. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology.2014,22(1):78-83(陈志霞,李启明.幸福感整合模型在不同年龄及性别群体的验证[J].中国临床心理学杂志,2014,01:78-83.)

LI QimingCHEN Zhixia*. Relationship between Zhong- yong Thinking Style and Social Adaptation: the Mediated Effects of esilience and Emotion Regulation. Chinese Journal of ErgonomicsFebruary2016,01:11-15.(李启明,陈志霞(通讯作者). 中庸思维对社会适应的影响:心理弹性和情绪调节的中介作用[J]. 人类工效学,2016,01:11-15)

Qiming Li, Zhixia Chen*. Age Differences in Personality Traits from 15 to 75:Big Five Domains and 10 Facets in a Large Cross-sectional Sample in Chinese. Journal of Psychological Science 2015381):131-138(李启明,陈志霞*.大五人格5个维度及10个面的发展水平——基于我国1575岁横断样本调查[J].心理科学(校双一流期刊),2015,01:131-138.)

Qiming Li, Zhixia Chen*. The Construction and Measurement of Zhong-yong Practical Thinking Style. Psychological Research 2014, 71):23-28 (李启明,陈志霞.中庸实践思维的结构和测量[J].心理研究,2014,01:23-28+35.)

Zhixia Chen, Min Zhang. The Correlations of Educational Service, Perceived College Support and College Students ’ Commitment to Alma Mate. Modern Educational Management, 2014,05:94-99(陈志霞,张敏.大学生母校承诺的心理结构及其影响因素研究[J].现代教育管理,2014,05:94-99.)

Courses Taught

1. 人力资源管理Human Resource Management

2. 人力资源管理前沿研究Human Resource Management Frontier Themes

3. 领导科学与艺术Leadership

4. 组织行为学 Organizational Behavior

5. 公共管理高级研究方法Research Method

6. 社会心理学Social Psychology

7. 社会心理学前沿研究Social Psychology Frontier Themes

8. 个案社会工作Social Case work.

9. 心理咨询与辅导Psychological Counseling


u 1. 行为公共管理视角下创新互联网时代群众工作机制研究,国家社科基金重点项目,2020-2025,主持人

u 2. 领导排斥行为的影响因素的毒性三角模型及其作用机制,国家社科基金重点项目(17AGL014),2017-2020,主持人

u 3.矛盾性别偏见对女性发展的社会阻隔与自我阻隔作用,国家社科基金面上项目(09BSH045),2009-2011(主持)

u 4. 行为公共管理视角的城市幸福指数及其影响因素研究,教育部人文社科后期项目,2018-2019

u 5. 行为公共管理视角的智慧城市建设及其影响因素研究,科技部外专引智项目,2019,主持

u 6.行为公共管理实验室平台项目,中央财政专项-华中科技大学双一流平台项目,2019

u 7.武汉市双十一网络商家质量检测及评估,武汉市工商局政府委托项目,2018

u 8. 国民幸福指数整合模型及其作用机制研究;中央财政专项(2016AE007);2016, 主持人


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